Theology in English


Opis studiów

kierunek: Teologia

specjalność: Theology in English

poziom: jednolite studia magisterskie (5 lat, 10 semestrów)

profil: ogólnoakademicki

język kształcenia: angielski

Charakterystyka specjalności

During the 5-year study program our students acquire broad and in-depth knowledge of all branches and subdivisions of the discipline of theology, and to the extent appropriate, also other scientific disciplines related to it (like history, philosophy, cannon law, psychology, etc.).

During the first two years the curriculum concentrates on courses in Christian Philosophy. This provides a strong intellectual background for further theological study. The courses include such subjects as: history of philosophy, logic, metaphysics, epistemology, anthropology, ethics, philosophy of nature, and philosophy of God. Education in philosophy is intertwined with introductory classes in theology, which gradually become more and more advanced.

Starting from the third year, students devote their time almost entirely to theology, and prepare themselves to undertake their own original research in the field. The courses at this stage include deep exegetical Bible study (consisting of separate and detailed studies of all the Books of the Old and the New Testaments) as well as a very strong and deep dogmatic formation including the broadest range of dogmatic treatises, such as: Protology, Trinitology, Christology, Charitology, Pneumatology, Sacramentology, Mariology, and Eschatology.

The whole curriculum takes into account the historical development of the doctrine of the Church ranging from the Church Fathers to the Second Vatican Council and its appropriate implementation by the post-conciliar Church Magisterium. While keeping up with all legitimate contemporary developments in theology, including a comprehensive study of the work and thought of Pope John Paul II, as a Pontifical University, we put a special emphasis on faithfulness to the teaching of the Magisterium and the Tradition of the Catholic Church.

In addition to the strong biblical-dogmatic education, our students will benefit from a wide variety of other branches of theology including fundamental theology (which encompasses ecclesiological and ecumenical studies), pastoral theology, catechetics, preaching and new evangelization, catholic social teaching, and liturgical studies. The program also puts a strong emphasis on moral theology (general, special, bioethics, etc.), and last but not least on spiritual theology.

In addition to specific philosophical-theological courses, the curriculum provides the student with a broad spectrum of complementary classes like psychology, various language classes (for details see Language learning opportunities), History of the Church, History of Sacred Art with a special emphasis on sacred art in Poland, and in particular in Cracow, various training workshops (regarding e.g. the usage of the library and other facilities of the university), as well as physical education classes.

For more details regarding the program, including the complete list of courses, see Schedule of Studies

Kryteria kwalifikacji
Szczegółowe kryteria kwalifikacji znajdują się TUTAJ
Limit miejsc
Wymagane dokumenty

Polski dokument

  • świadectwo dojrzałości albo
  • świadectwo dojrzałości i zaświadczenie o wynikach egzaminu maturalnego z poszczególnych przedmiotów

      kopie - oryginał do wglądu

Zagraniczny dokument

Dodatkowe dokumenty
dla wszystkich

Dodatkowe dokumenty dla finalistów
i laureatów olimpiad
i konkursów

Dodatkowe dokumenty

Kontakt i miejsce składania dokumentów

Sekretariat Wydziału Teologicznego

31-002 Kraków, ul. Kanonicza 9, p. 305, II p.

tel. 12 421-89-45


  Plan studiów dla naboru

program studiów

plan studiów dla naboru






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