Communication and media studies


Opis studiów

kierunek: Dziennikarstwo i komunikacja społeczna

specjalność: Communication and media studies

poziom: studia pierwszego stopnia (3 lata, 6 semestrów)

profil: praktyczny

język kształcenia: angielski

Charakterystyka specjalności

Journalism and Social Communication Studies prepares students for specialization in the competitive field of modern journalism and innovative social communication with the use of new information and communication technologies.

Our dynamic curriculum includes a wide range of educational subjects, including but not limited to: foreign language courses, scientific seminars, opportunity for internships, and more. All subjects stand in accordance with the higher educational standards in Poland, according to the Bologna system.

Specific Information

The study program includes many interesting subjects, incl. workshops on radio, press, television and internet journalism, rhetoric and journalistic style, promotion, advertising and marketing, communication theory, media ethics, public relations, cultural heritage of John Paul II, computer graphics and creativity in virtual reality, data presentation techniques - infographic, implementation radio and television, social media, etc.

In addition to these subjects, this Institute offers a wide range of interesting resources and extracurricular activities that complement the studies:

  • Research in the field of media science and social communication
  • Scientific conferences, media festivals and meetings with media people
  • Radio Bonus, JP2TV Television and the portal:
  • Scientific and student magazines
  • Journalism Research Club
  • Image Communication Research Group
  • Yearly feast (Juvenalia) of students of the Pontifical University of John Paul II

Credentials After Study

After enrolling in these studies, the graduate will gain knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • Social communication and media in the information society
  • Modern press, radio and television journalism
  • Online journalism based on digital applications
  • Television, radio and multimedia production and implementation
  • Ethical competences and communicating positive values
  • Language culture, journalistic rhetoric and style, creative writing
  • Promotion, advertising, marketing and branding
  • Use of digital media in communication
  • Digital media analysis and management

The graduate will also gain practical competences in the following areas:

  • Specialized and modern journalism
  • Interpersonal, social and intercultural communication
  • Camera operator and image editor
  • Sound engineer and sound editor
  • Specialist in marketing communication and public relations
  • Radio and television production and production
  • Press and art photography
  • Creativity in new media
  • Organization of editorial work and managing editorial offices
  • Press advocacy and management of press offices
  • Media management and network analytics

Alumni Opportunities

his program creates the possibility of working in industries, such as:

  • Journalism: press, radio, television, Internet, news agencies, etc.
  • E-journalism and digital media
  • Radio, television and multimedia production
  • Advertising, branding and media marketing
  • Public relations, image consultancy and press advocacy
  • Media evangelization and animation of media culture
  • Media education in schools, educational institutions, media, etc.

The variety and richness of the educational offer in all specialties guarantees its graduates professional preparation for work in a wide area of media and social communication. Our graduates work in TVP1, TVP Kraków, Radio Kraków, and other portals, in editorial offices of the regional and central press, PR agencies, advertising agencies, in network analysis corporations, in press offices, event agencies, etc.

Students can also further supplement their knowledge and professional skills with continuing education after this degree, taking part of specialized projects and/or gaining additional certificates through academies such as the Image Academy, Academy of Sound, and Academy of Innovative Communication.

Kryteria kwalifikacji
Kryteria kwalifikacji dostępne są TUTAJ
Limit miejsc
Wymagane dokumenty

Polski dokument

  • świadectwo dojrzałości albo
  • świadectwo dojrzałości i zaświadczenie o wynikach egzaminu maturalnego z poszczególnych przedmiotów

      kopie - oryginał do wglądu

Zagraniczny dokument

Dodatkowe dokumenty
dla wszystkich

Dodatkowe dokumenty dla finalistów
i laureatów olimpiad
i konkursów

Dodatkowe dokumenty

Kontakt i miejsce składania dokumentów

Sekretariat Instytutu Dziennikarstwa, Mediów i Komunikacji Społecznej

31-002 Kraków, ul. Grodzka 40

tel. 12 422-10-83


Program studiów i plan studiów dla naboru

program studiów

plan studiów dla naboru






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